Monday, August 11, 2014

How To Get Great Peel Results

A Chemical peel or skin peel involves the application of a specific solution to the surface of the skin to peel away the outermost layers, revealing the fresh skin beneath.

This skin peeling method is used to treat a variety of skin conditions including acne, rosacea, fine wrinkling, blotchy pigmentation, ingrown hairs, yellow complexion and dry skin. Chemical peels are most often performed on the face but may also be beneficial on the neck, chest, back, hands, arms and legs.
Chemical peels are used for the treatment of photoaging (from sun damage), wrinkles, scarring, acne, pre-cancerous lesions, and discoloration (dyschromia) or uneven skin tone. Chemical peels produce controlled injury to the skin to promote the growth of new skin with an improved appearance.
Many different chemicals are used including glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid (TCA), salicylic acid, “Jessners“ solution, and phenol. The different chemicals produce different degrees of injury to the skin.
Superficial peels (e.g. glycolic acid) produce very superficial injury, confined to the epidermis. Superficial peels can help improve conditions, such as acne and dyschromia. Deeper peels, (e.g. phenol peels) produce injury within the dermis and can reverse moderate-to-severe photoaging and wrinkles. In general, the deeper peels offer the most dramatic results but require longer recovery periods and carry a higher risk of complications. 
It's best not to assume that a low % of acid is less abrasive than a higher percentage. For example: Salicylic Acid 20% is almost as strong as Glycolic 50%. TCA 30% is a completely different peeling agent and can penetrate into the upper layers of the dermis, causing burns if not used properly.

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