Monday, July 23, 2012

One puff of exhaust from a city bus could expose your skin to more pollutants than those your grandmother was exposed to in her whole lifetime.

Air pollution, fluorescent lights, and some computer screens, even tap water with iron in it – all of these expose your skin to more free radicals than any generation before us. And, since your skin can no longer keep up with these assaults, a chain reaction of oxidation is happening right on it. It’s like your skin is….rusting.
Welcome to modern society, right? Free radicals run free and your skin really does look like it’s aging faster than you are.
We have the environment to thank for unprecedented levels of free radicals challenging the skin cells you have right now. But here’s the real problem. These same free radicals also cause damage to the skin cells you’ll have in the future. Which means that without intervention, damaged skin cells continue to emerge and make your skin look older – way before its time.
In short, skin you don’t even see yet already looks older.
What are the major sources of free radicals in/on our skin?
1) Unprotected sun exposure
2) Pollution/chemical exposure/smoking
3) Skin care products- ingredients that produce free radicals (i.e. benzoyl peroxide, hydrogen peroxide, hydroquinone)
4) Normal chemical processes in the body that give off free radicals
The good news – our skin can tolerate an infinite supply of antioxidants. When we give our skin the nutrients it craves, the skin’s aging process will dramatically slow down – provided the skin is protected from sun damage and free radicals are no longer being applied to the skin. It will produce healthy cells. Healthy cells = healthy, soft, radiant looking skin.

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