Saturday, September 15, 2012

Skin Care Routine for Men

Skin care is not just for women! A man’s skin needs attention and nourishment just as much. Before you start with a skincare routine, you’d need to find out your skin type: oily, normal/combination, dry, sensitive. Once you’ve figured that out, you might want to know what products to pick and how to use them.
Start by Cleansing            
If you are too lazy to do anything else, cleansing your face is the single most important thing you can do. Search for a good cleanser that your skin responds well to, and stick with it. If possible stay away from bar soaps as they often leave your skin feeling dry. But remember not to overdo it
To shave or not to shave
Hair growth in men is fairly regular. There’s no need  to shave daily. But whenever you do, ensure to choose a good razor and a shaving gel or cream that yields a close shave, kills bacteria, softens follicles and leaves the skin feeling smooth. Avoid using any shaving products that contain alcohol and parabens as they strip the natural oils from the skin leaving it dry and irritated
Exfoliation is essential
In order to remove dead skin cells and debris, exfoliation is a must. Moreover it stimulates circulation to add a healthy glow to your skin. A recent study proves that one of the reasons men’s skin looks more youthful than women’s is because men tend to exfoliate daily when they shave. Daily exfoliators with Glycolic or Salicylic acids are excellent. A deeper  chemical peel is highly recommended for a more dramatic results in your skin
Moisturize your skin
As men usually have oilier skin than women, they tend to wrinkle not as quickly. A light moisturizer and a nourishing cream is important to maintain moisture and prevent ageing. If at all shaving irritates your skin, try moisturizing your skin after a shave & ideally before going to bed
Everyone is well aware that that sunscreen is the most important part of skincare regime. Sunscreen only works if you use it properly. SPF 15 is a good start but apply it half an hour prior to stepping outdoors. If you plan  to stay outdoors for longer, use SPF30
Taking care of your skin is perfectly normal and  looking your best just got easier

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