Monday, June 18, 2012

Just because you're Wiser , doesn't mean you have to look Older

As we all know too well there is never a moment in your life when gravity is not trying to push your skin down. It’s quite simply the law of physics, and you will not be able to avoid this unless you’re living in an anti-gravity chamber!(only a forthunate few) During your youth, your skin is incredibly firm with a strong layer of collagen, and it supports itself against the downward pull of gravity. However, as collagen breaks down and weakens as we age, the skin can no longer support itself against a lifetime of pressure from gravity. As the skin loosens and the impact of gravity pushes it downward, wrinkles form due to the sagging skin. Fortunately, there are many anti wrinkle creams and products that can improve the production of collagen in your skin on a daily basis to keep it firmer and wrinkle-free. Don't forget chemical exfoliaton in conjunction with a skin care regimen.

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