Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Containing Cold Sores When Performing Chemical Peels

Cold sores can occur when there is any type of disturbance to the skin, even when performing a chemical peel. Before performing any type of chemical peel on yourself, it is important that you visit a dermatologist to make sure you are fit to perform any type of peel or speak to a licensed esthetician. Speak to a professional and explain to them that you have had breakouts of cold sores in the past. In order to prevent the cold sores from inflammation, it may behoove the individual to start medication to prevent or even diminish the possibility of reactivation of the cold sores.

Approximately 90% of people are infected or have been infected by some form of the Herpes Virus. Chemical peels and microdermabrasion all stimulate the skin and can reactivate the virus that usually live in the sensory nerves.

The chemical peels stimulate the nerves and decrease the barriers allowing the virus to start and the cold sores to form. If the peel is more superficial, doctors will prescribe different medications to combat the cold sores. Superficial peels can include Glycolic Acid, TCA peels and Jessner Peels

Chemical peels are extremely safe when you have cold sores, however the key to containing them is preventing them from the beginning!

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