Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What are the top products from for this October?

Vitamin C is a main ingredient of collagen, this anti-aging super protein responsible for the health and youthful appearance of the skin. Topical vitamin C can be 20 times more effective than an oral supplement, and this serum delivers a highly concentrated dose of the powerful antioxidant. Prevent and correct sun damage, age spots, uneven pigmentation and other skin concerns. Formulated to quickly and effectively penetrate the skin for immediate results, our popular vitamin C serum is the ultimate prescription for effective anti-aging and complexion correction.

The established anti-aging benefits of both retinol and collagen has been scientifically proven. The combination of these skincare superpowers in the highly potent, concentrated serum restore the youthful appearance of the skin and increase the multiplication of healthy skin cells. The Retinol Collagen Cream nourishes the skin with essential nutrients and ultra-moisturizing Shea butter for a smooth, glowing complexion.

Looking for the perfect daily moisturizer as your skin begins to ask for more hydration with the cooler months approaching. Hyaluronic Moisturizer Cream is the answer. It not only contains healing and hydrating ingredients, Hyaluronic Moisturizer Cream can also be used immediately after a chemical peel without the risk of any irritation. Its gentle enough to use every day and effective to be used by everyone.

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