Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fusion by skin concern and skin type

Since Fusion Peel contains multiple ingredients, it is able to address numerous skin care issues for many different skin types.  Here is a synopsis of what you can expect from this peel according to your individual concerns:

Mature skin - most of those who fall into this catagory are a dry, dry-normal, or normal skin.  Fusion is fantastic for this group!  Because of its multi-faceted corrective action, mature users benefit with a restored skin glow, firmer facial contours, minimized fine lines, lessening of discoloration, and a reduction in skin slackening.  Fusion Peel, when use on a regular basis, will continually further the results seen in the first peel and gradually increase a more youthful appearance.

Discolored skin - discoloration, or uneven skin tone, can be present in all skin types (dry to oily).  If you have oilier skin, it is very important to be sure to use a skin defatting solution to get the best penetration of the peel.  The alcohol found at the drugstore will do the job just fine.  The longer you have had the dark spots, or uneven color, the longer it will take to reverse it.  Make sure you stick to the recommended schedule of every 2 weeks and continue with the peel until you get your skin tone to where you want it.  Your results are going to be a more monochrome skin color (less unevenness), brighter skin, restoration of luminosity, firming, and a younger looking appearance.

Acneic skin - its tough to have acne, especially when most products to treat the issue are usually designed for OILY acneic skin.  Not everyone who has acne also has oily skin.  This is where Fusion Peel can be a great help.  No matter what your skin type (if you are oily, make sure to use a gel cleanser and wipe the skin with alcohol before applying the peel), Fusion Peel will help address the causes of skin eruptions.  Hormonal acne - glycolic and fruit enzymes are your key actives.  Bacterial acne - you have salicylic and resorcinol on your side.  Cystic acne - every exfoliating ingredient is going to give you help.  You should see clearer skin, less frequent outbreaks, faster recovery from active lesions, and healthier skin.

Younger skin - why would a younger person want to use Fusion Peel?  Chemical peels can actually be an age prevention tool.  Very few people are born with perfect skin, especially during life stage shifts.  Moving from late teens to early adulthood can create chaos on your face.  Carefree days in the sun as a child, never a pimple in your life and now you get one or two a week, hormonal discoloration, or the stress of moving from home to independence - these can all have an effect on your outward appearance and Fusion Peel can help you counteract all of those changes.

Congested skin - some folks are just naturally prone to congestion.  This happens when the skin cells and/or sebum (skin oil) congregate in the small openings in the skin (hair follicles, sweat glands, and pores).  When mixed and allowed to accumulate, you can end up with conditions like millia, pimples, black heads, and keratosis pilaris.  Using Fusion Peel on a regular basis can prevent this from occurring by removing one factor - the excess cellular debris.  Keeping the skin clear of build up not only makes the skin brighter and less congested, it also improves the overall function of the epidermis.  Using Fusion Peel is kind of like getting the oil changed in your car - if you keep it running at optimal maintenance, you get the best performance.  

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