Friday, August 17, 2012

End of summer skin care tips.

No matter how responsible you were about sun protection this summer, the chances are that your skin was exposed to UV rays more than usual. Even if you practiced responsible skin care and always used sun block or sunscreen, you still absorbed environmental damage from the sun. If you were less responsible, then you may have absorbed enough UV radiation to lead to age and sun spots in the future, premature wrinkles and even skin diseases. While you can’t travel back in time and stay out of the sun entirely you can help to undo some of the damage that carefree, relaxing summer days may have done to your skin.

Each episode of UV exposure that you experienced over the summer causes a surge in the level of free radicals in your system.  These free radical surges damaged your collagen, elastin or melanin—damage that cumulates and eventually results in older looking, damaged skin. Focus on a diet that’s rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. You may want to emphasize foods that are particularly high in antioxidants such as pomegranates, blueberries, acai, darker greens and even green tea. Getting stronger skin begins beneath the surface of the skin, so be sure to eat antioxidant rich foods and take antioxidant rich internal dietary supplements.

For the best results, though, you’ll want to combine an internal antioxidant diet with topical antioxidant skin care. MedPeel Superfruits Prevention skin care products are specifically developed to combine several powerful antioxidants and the power of Vitamin-C to topically boost your skin and restore a radiant, younger, healthy glow.  Promote better cell turnover and healthier skin with daily exfoliation products such as the Glycolic Micro Peel Scrub or Glycolic 10% Daily Exfoliator.

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