Friday, June 22, 2012

How To Treat Depressed Acne Scars

There are thousands of people out there, young and old, who are plagued with acne and the scars that go along with them. These scars can leave a lasting effect on a persons self esteem and can drive people to feel depressed or even have major anxiety. People who have these scars always wonder what is the best way they can get rid of these scars.

First and foremost, it is important to see a dermatologist before attempting anything on your skin and to be sure that your acne is under control so you don't get any new acne scars.

Secondly, try a series of different types of chemical peels that fit your skin type and deliver the results you are looking for. Different chemical peels that are helpful are:

Jessner's Peel - a mixture of lactic acid, salicylic acid and resorcinol which help revitalize the skin like no other.

TCA Peels - provide superficial to medium depth and relies on the concentration of the peel. The peels strength usually range from 10%-30%.

The key is to have your acne under control before attempting anything.

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