Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Chemical acid peels are a classification for different types of chemical treatments that are used to remove dead skin cell and make the skin smoother.

Despite the word “peel” nothing peels off during the procedure. The chemical solution that is applied to the skin dissolves the upper layer of the skin. As this tissue is dissolved, a wound forms this causes new tissue to grow in response to the body’s natural healing process.

The type of acids used in a chemical peel can include trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and alphahydroxy acids (AHAs). The type of acid used is determined according to the individual patient’s needs and wishes.

Alphahydroxy acids (AHAs) such as lactic and fruit acids can produce the lightest of the peels as they are the mildest form of acid. These acid peels are normally used to treat fine wrinkles, dryness and uneven skin pigment. AHA acids are often mixed in less concentrated forms with a cream or lotion that can be used on a daily basis. AHA peels include AHA Kojic, Glycolic Acid, and Lactic Acid.

Medium-depth peels use Trichloroacetic acid (TCA). A TCA chemical peel works well for stretch marks, mild acne scars and can be used to remove mild acne. With TCA peels sometimes more than one peel is needed to get the results that are desired.

TCA peels are the best to treat acne scars. The chemicals in this are stronger than other acids such as lactic and work on the deeper layers of the skin. When peels are used to treat acne scars, a qualified estethician should be consulted.

AHA peels can cause redness, irritation and stinging which disappears in a few days. TCA peels will not bleach the skin but patients are advised to avoid exposure to the sun for several months to protect the new skin.  Patients are also advised to avoid sun exposure.A person who has frequent blisters or cold sores may not be a candidate for a chemical peel.

The results from peels can last anywhere from six months to one year. This depends on the type of peel and the area covered. If acne scars are treated or a large portion of the skin is treated additional treatments may be needed and these are usually performed about three months apart. Find all types of at-home chemical skin peels at